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Conservation Minutes 2/10/15
Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC)
February 10, 2015
Approved April 8, 2015

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Chuck Crickman, Bob Stewart, Members; Dick Wright, Ex-Officio; Bill Annable, Sue Russell Alternates.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.


The NCC reviewed the minutes of January 13, 2015 and made corrections. Mr. Wright made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. All in favor.

Mr. Wright informed the Commission that the scheduled workshop on permaculture and sustainability offered by the Merrimack Cooperative Extension has been cancelled due to low projected attendance.

There were no Intent to Cut applications to review.

There were no Buffer Zone Cut applications to review.

Ms. Holmes informed the Commission that A Shoreland Impact Permit application has been filed by Robert Vail, 83 Malia Terrace, Newbury. She reviewed the tree cutting that has occurred on the property and subsequent discussions she has had with the Vail’s landscape contractor, db Landscaping. Also, discussions regarding same have occurred with John Greenwood, Code Enforcement Officer (CEO). There is concern about where and how the proposed cuts and land disturbance will occur and appropriate enforcement of the town’s shoreland protection regulations.

There was general discussion about the necessity for DES to postpone permit applications when there is snow since the terrain cannot be properly viewed.

Ms. Holmes shared with the NCC a letter from the Friends of Mount Sunapee regarding the proposed development of the West Bowl. She noted that the Newbury Board of Selectmen have endorsed the project. The Commissioners discussed the various aspects of the proposed project and concluded that the NCC does not need to weigh in on the project at this point.

Mr. Crickman voiced his concern about the 3-season summit trail at Mount Sunapee that would be adversely affected by the West Bowl development plan. Discussion followed.

Ms. Russell noted that the NH Heritage Bureau has completed a 2015 Heritage Report on the area under consideration. Ms. Holmes added that SPNHF is also examining the plan closely.

Mr. Wright said the economic benefits of the development should be weighed against the conservation concerns. Ms. Holmes encourage the Commissioners to become informed on the topic.


Trail Maps
Mr. Crickman reviewed the latest draft of the trail map narrative and the Commissioners made several suggestions for changes. Mr. Annable noted that including the mention of the old railroad bed/CLS Rail Trail in the narrative is controversial. Discussion followed.

Ms. Holmes called for a vote on including the mention of the old railroad bed/CLS Rail Trail as a potential hiking area in the trail map narrative.
In Favor: Mr. Crickman
Opposed: Ms. Russell, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Annable, Mr. Wright, Ms. Holmes

There was consensus among the Commissioners to remove from the trail map narrative the mention of the old railroad bed/CLS Rail Trail as a potential hiking area.

Commissioners further reviewed the trail map, particularly the location and labelling of cemeteries.

NH Association of Natural Resources Scientists Workshop
Mr. Stewart reviewed his participation in the recent NH Association of Natural Scientists Workshop. He reviewed new proposed legislation pertaining to the following:
  • HB 349- the value of having an upland buffer to a wetland;
  • SB 83- regarding NCC members entering private and public property and gaining appropriate permission for same; and
  • SB 97- regarding stormwater management regs to comply with federal requirements.
Additional topics included climate change, the Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund program, and the Division of Historical Resources protection measures that help communities prepare for preservation.


Promoting Good Land Stewardship
Mr. Stewart noted that the author of the Homeowners Guide to Stormwater Management offers presentations to towns and communities. He suggested contacting her and requesting an NCC-sponsored presentation in Newbury. The NCC agreed.

Wild Goose Boat Launch Project Update
Ms. Holmes told Commissioners that strategies are being investigated regarding the safety issue and the financial situation of the NH Fish & Game. There was discussion regarding forming a coalition to look into potential next steps to be taken.

Ms. Holmes proposed having NCC-sponsored weekly or monthly trail walks. She also suggested having the Newbury Beautification Committee meet with the NCC for a talk or a collaborative project. She asked the Commissioners to submit ideas for NCC-sponsored events for 2015.

Ms. Russell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary